How to Design a Project Directory Structure: Best Practices for Code and Resource Files

Relax Raccoon
3 min readNov 22, 2024


A clear and well-organized directory structure not only improves team collaboration but also enhances the maintainability of a project. This article provides a complete guide on how to design a project directory structure, covering where to store code, configuration files, resource files (like fonts and data files), and principles to follow.

1. Basic Directory Structure

Here is an example of a typical project directory structure:

├── src/ # Main source code
│ ├── # Main entry point
│ ├── # Utility module
│ └── modules/ # Submodules
├── data/ # Static data files (e.g., input or reference data)
│ ├── namelist.csv # Name list file
│ └── sample_data.json # Example data
├── output/ # Output files generated by the program
│ ├── processed.csv # Processed data
│ ├── video.mp4 # Output video
├── config/ # Configuration files
│ ├── settings.yaml # Main configuration file
│ └── db_config.json # Database configuration
├── assets/ # Static resources (e.g., fonts, images, audio)
│ ├── fonts/ # Font files
│ │ └── Monan.ttf
│ └── images/ # Image files
│ └── logo.png
├── tests/ # Test files
│ ├── test_namelist.csv # Test data files
│ └── # Test code
├── logs/ # Log files
│ └── app.log # Application logs
├── # Project description
└── requirements.txt # Dependency list

2. Purpose and Contents of Each Directory

src/: Main Source Code

This directory contains the core logic and modules of the project, typically including:

  • The main entry point for the project.
  • Utility modules: For example,, which stores helper functions.
  • Submodules: To organize complex logic, stored under subdirectories like modules/.

Example Code:

import sys
import os
# Add the project root directory to sys.path for easier module imports
# Import utility module
from utils import some_utility_function
if __name__ == "__main__":

data/: Static Data Files

Stores static input data or reference files, such as CSV or JSON files.

  • Example: namelist.csv for storing user lists.
  • Suitable for immutable data like initial parameters or test datasets.

output/: Output Files

Stores files generated by the program during execution, such as processed data, videos, or images.

  • Example: processed.csv for processed data, video.mp4 for generated videos.

Example Code for Generating Output Files:

import pandas as pd
import os
# Define output directory
output_dir = "output/"
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Save results
result_df = pd.DataFrame({"Name": ["Alice", "Bob"], "Age": [25, 30]})
result_df.to_csv(os.path.join(output_dir, "processed.csv"), index=False)
print("Results saved to output/processed.csv")

config/: Configuration Files

Stores files that control the program’s behavior, such as:

  • settings.yaml: Main application settings.
  • db_config.json: Database-related configurations.

Example Code for Reading Configuration Files:

import yaml
# Load configuration
with open("config/settings.yaml", "r") as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)

assets/: Static Resource Files

Stores static resources used in the project, such as:

  • Font files: e.g., fonts/Monan.ttf.
  • Image files: e.g., images/logo.png.

Example Code for Using Font Files:

from PIL import ImageFont
font_path = "assets/fonts/Monan.ttf"
font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, 36)

tests/: Test Files

Contains test code and test data:

  • Test data: e.g., test_namelist.csv.
  • Test code: e.g.,

logs/: Log Files

Stores logs generated during program execution, useful for tracking issues or recording critical information.

3. Common Questions

Q1: Can be placed in the root directory?

Yes, but it’s recommended to place it under src/ to keep the root directory clean. If you need to simplify user operations, you can add a lightweight entry file in the root directory that calls src/

Q2: Where should font files be stored?

Font files should be stored in assets/fonts/ for easy management and access.

Q3: Where should temporary output files be stored?

Temporary files should be stored in output/ or output/tmp/ and cleaned up when no longer needed.

4. Complete Project Example

A well-designed project should have a clear directory structure to facilitate team collaboration and user interaction:

├── src/ # Main source code
│ ├── # Main entry point
│ ├── # Utility module
│ └── modules/ # Submodules
├── data/ # Static data files
│ ├── namelist.csv # Name list file
│ └── sample_data.json
├── output/ # Output files
├── config/ # Configuration files
├── assets/ # Static resources
├── tests/ # Test files
├── logs/ # Log files
├── # Project description
└── requirements.txt # Dependency list

This structure ensures cleanliness and supports project scalability.



Relax Raccoon
Relax Raccoon

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